Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction: Parenting Today & How To Use This Course

  • 2

    7 Principles To Develop A Positive Parenting Mindset

    • Follow These 7 Principles And Achieve A Positive Parenting Mindset

    • NURTURE: N for Notice

    • NURTURE: U for Unconditional Love

    • NURTURE: R for Responsibility

    • NURTURE: T for Teach & Coach

    • NURTURE: U for Understand

    • NURTURE: R for Respect

    • NURTURE: E for Enjoy

    • 7 Principles To Develop A Positive Parenting Mindset: Summary

  • 3

    12 Effective Tools To Feel In Control When Your Child Is Misbehaving

    • What Is Inappropriate Behaviour?

    • Why We Need To Deal With Inappropriate Behaviour Quickly

    • Tool 1: Manage Your State

    • Tool 2: Home Rules & Rewards

    • Tool 3: Helicopter View

    • Tool 4: Broken Record Technique

    • Tool 5: Be Positive & Descriptive

    • Tool 6: Reinforce Positive Behaviour

    • Tool 7: Choose Your Battles

    • Tool 8: Offer The Illusion Of Choice

    • Tool 9: Acknowledge Your Child's Perspective

    • Tool 10: Separate The Child From The Behaviour

    • Tool 11: Be Consistent

    • Tool 12: Mistakes Happen

    • BONUS 1: Examples Of How These Tools Work In Practice With Challenging Behaviours

    • BONUS 2: You've Tried Everything And It Still Doesn't Work - Now What?

    • 12 Effective Tools To Feel In Control When Your Child Is Misbehaving: Summary

  • 4

    Creating the Right Environment: 5 Secrets Revealed

    • Why You Need To Create The Right Environment

    • Secret 1 - The Importance Of Rules

    • Secret 2 - The Importance of Rights

    • Secret 3 - The Importance Of Responsibilities

    • Secret 4 - The Importance Of Praise

    • Secret 5 - The Importance of Listening

  • 5

    3 Easy Ways To Relax

    • The Importance Of Relaxation

    • #1: Relaxation Technique 1: Move Your Body

    • #2 Breathing Technique: Relax Your Body

    • #3 Relaxation Technique 2: Scan Your Body

  • 6

    The Value Of Play

    • Play Develops Cooperation

    • Game 1: We Are Family

    • Game 2: Name Game

  • 7

    Family Power Hour (QUALITY TIME)

    • Introduction For Parents: How You Can Spend Quality Time Even When Your Time Is Limited

    • Learning Objectives: What Your Child Will Gain By The End Of The Session

    • Introductory Game 1: We Are Family

    • Introductory Game 2: Name Game

    • Activity 1: Create The Right Environment; Set the Rules Together

    • Activity 2: Introduction To Relaxation [Parent Script]

    • Activity 3: Move Your Body, Release Stress

    • Activity 4: Relax Your Body, Breathe Better

    • Activity 5: Scan Your Body, Release Tension

    • Acknowledgement Through Appreciation And Rewards

    • Time To Wrap Up For Today!

    • Pause & Reflect

  • 8

    How To Create An Emotionally Safe Home: Summary

    • Before You Go...

    • Download Your Cheat Sheet

    • Further Reading

    • Certificate Of Achievement: For the Parent

    • Certificate Of Achievement: For the Child